
Can you tell us about your job at Calypse?

Being a Business Manager within Calypse Consulting, my role is divided into two distinct missions.
First of all, my first mission is the development of the company’s activities, which consists of increasing my client file and talking with pharmaceutical companies. These discussions make it possible to determine their needs, then to think about a possible partnership. As for my second mission, it consists of discovering profiles in line with the needs of companies and then supporting our consultants throughout our missions.

Tell us about your job!

After obtaining my engineering degree in Biology (EBI), I didn’t see myself spending my entire day in laboratories. I therefore joined a business school in order to acquire skills in Commerce and Marketing, with the aim of combining these new skills with my technical expertise.

What is your philosophy of life?

Work hard to benefit even more later, have no regrets and move forward!

What do you like best about your job?

The social aspect of the job of Business Manager is what motivates me to do this work.
In addition, interacting with companies and determining new needs requires a certain curiosity which is a driving force for me, allowing me to flourish within the company.

Your guilty pleasure?

White chocolate and fat in general!
